Dampak Perilaku Wisatawan Asing di Bali Dan Respon Sentimen Pengguna Twitter


Muhammad Luqman Taufiq
Fondina Gusriza


Tourism on the island of Bali has received high appreciation from various groups after successfully restoring the level of tourist visits after the Covid-19 pandemic. The tourism industry, wich was disrupted due to the limited mobility of tourists, has now resumed its operations. However, there is an unpleasant phenomenon with the behavior of foreign tourists while in the Bali region area which has caused public unrest to be discussed on social media, expecially twitter. This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the community sentiment response to the behavior of foreign tourists and the impact on tourism activities in the Bali island area. This research uses descriptive qualitative method with netnography interpretation, and is assisted by the NVivo data analysis application. The data used in the research consists of 2.263 tweets on twitter with the keyword “foreign tourist Bali”. The results of the analysis show that there is a negative sentiment from the community on twitter media with the emergence of various words that corner the foreign tourists for bad behavior in the Bali island area. The second result is the impact on tourism activities on the island of Bali with the mergence of pressure and restrictions on the activities of foreign tourists.


How to Cite
Luqman Taufiq, M., & Gusriza, F. (2023). Dampak Perilaku Wisatawan Asing di Bali Dan Respon Sentimen Pengguna Twitter. Jurnal Kajian Pariwisata, 5(2). https://doi.org/10.51977/jiip.v5i2.1319


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