
Agung Prasetya
Maya Retnasary
Dimas Akhsin Azhar


The research discusses the behavior of social media users or netizens in Indonesia in responding to viral news on social media. The object analyzed is the behavior pattern of Indonesian netizens in responding to news that is viral on social media. The purpose of writing the article is to find out the behavior patterns and characteristics of social media users in Indonesia in responding or paying attention to viral news on social media. This article is the result of research conducted on social media by involving several people who are experts and competent in the problem area being researched using purposive techniques. The approach used is a qualitative approach using case studies. Data retrieval through virtual interviews using social media, due to being in a pandemic period makes the data collection process only done online. Even though it is done virtually, the data retrieval process is still carried out optimally without reducing the accuracy of the data generated. Researchers found results related to the behavior patterns of Indonesian netizens who were divided into two behavioral character criteria, namely negative behavior, and positive behavior. Positive and negative behavior in responding to viral news on social media reflects the characteristics of (1) social media users who behave dominantly on social media and (2) social media users who behave dominantly in the real world.



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