COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease-2019) merupakan salah satupan demi yang mampu menarik perhatian manusia di seluruh dunia. Hal ini terjadi karena penyebaran virus COVID-19 sangat cepat, dan tidak memandang laki-laki atau perempuan, anak-anak, dewasa maupun lansia. Di Indonesia kasuspositif COVID-19 juga mengalami peningkatan dan berada pada urutan ke-21 negara di Dunia dengan kasus Corona terbanyak. Indonesia terkonfirmasisampaihariiniadalah 511.836 orang,kasus positif dengan jumlah kematian 16.255 orang ( 2020). Namun walaupun masyarakat patuh dalam pemakaian masker, namun tetap terjadi peningkatan jumlah COVID-19, kemungkinan disebabkan oleh pemakaian masker yang kurang tepat. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain deskriptif analitik, Penelitian ini akan mengukur pengetahuan tentang COVID-19, dan pemakaian masker secara tepat. Responden yang diharapkan untuk mengikuti penelitian ini berjumlah 100 orang, namun ternyata hanya 75 responden. Pengetahuan masyarakat tentang COVID-19 sebagian besar 90% baik, dan 10% kurang memahami, Pengetahuan masyarakat tentang Masker pada masa Pandemi 98.7% baik, dan 1.3 % masih kurang memahami tentang masker, Cara pemakaian masker yang tepat pada masa Pandemi, 90% memahami cara pemakaian masker secara tepat, dan sekitar 10% kurang memahami pemakaian masker yang tepat. Semakin baik tingkat pengetahuan masyarakat tentang pemakaian masker secara tepat, maka dapat menurunkan wabah/pandemic COVID-19
Kata Kunci : Covid 19, Pengetahuan, Pemakaian Masker
COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease-2019) is one of the things that is able to attract human attention around the world. This happens because the spread of the COVID-19 virus is very fast, and does not look at men or women, children, adults and the elderly. In Indonesia, positive cases of COVID-19 have also increased and are in the 21st place in the world with the most cases of Corona. Indonesia has been confirmed to reach 511,836 people, positive cases with a death toll of 16,255 people ( 2020). However, even though the public is obedient to wearing masks, there is still an increase in the number of COVID-19, possibly due to the use of masks that are not quite right. This research is a type of quantitative research with an analytic descriptive design. This research will measure knowledge about COVID-19, and the proper use of masks. The number of respondents who were expected to take part in this research was 100 people, but in fact only 75 respondents. : Most of the public knowledge of COVID-19 was 90% good, and 10% did not understand, Public knowledge about masks during the Pandemic was 98.7% good, and 1.3% still did not understand about masks, How to use masks properly during the Pandemic, 90 % understand how to use masks properly, and about 10% do not understand the proper use of masks. The better the level of public knowledge about wearing masks appropriately, the lower the COVID-19 outbreak / pandemic.
Keywords: Knowledge, Appropriate use of masks, COVID-19
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